Its been about three weeks since the last post, however I have been busy. I have been undertaking a project with a branch pruned recently from my Forsythia.
I wasn't even aware that you could do anything with Forsythia cuttings...
...You Can!
Mature branches are hollow tubes with a good thickness to the walls; not dissimilar to bamboo
both ends are plugged. In these ones with plum. One end completely the other partially
A notch is cut into the wooden tube
The wood is great for pyrography
Each one is unique.........
......in size, shape, design and pitch
Sealed with vegetable oil and allowed to dry fully
And a whistle takes shape (or 5 or 6)
This shots indicates their size
one that's even smaller.......
They all whistle with a distinct individual tone
The smallest one creates the biggest ear splitting high pitched sound
Names, dates, places can be burnt onto the whistle
The biggest tip is to ensure that the inside of the whistle is, well...... 'clean as a whistle'
This requires the forsythia to be relatively dry, I accelerated the drying by sitting the pieces on the radiator.
Winter is a good time for this type of project as the plant is dormant and as such less moisture is in the branch; additionally the heating is on too ;-)
I hope you enjoyed this post
Regards Dave
They look great! can't imagine the patience you must need to get the details on such small pieces.
Really lovely Dave. So detailed and small. Very impressed that you can get that much pyrograhy on them!!!
Absolutely wonderful! I'm intrigued!
Elizabeth: I am a very impatient person in reality, this stuff however is calming.
Debs: thanks my dear.
Robyn: Intrigued? say more!
absolutley fantastic...what do they sound like???
They sound like a single pan pipe or bamboo whistle. The smallest one is just like a sports whistle without the warbling ball.
Dave... this is a great Blog!!! Been meaning to tune in to your wood carving stuff for a while now... glad I tracked it down;-)
I need to spec out a wading stick!
Hi, I have a Best Blog award for you on my blog. I hope you would like to accept it but quite understand if you prefer not to participate. Best wishes, Michelle
I cut some forsythia today and came in to search how to make a flute / whistle out of the pieces and your 2009 post is the only thing that came up. I need more information....I want to make these...but your details leave a lot for the imagination. Please advise if you can.
Hi. Rather than try to send info through here would you like to Email me at woodwosecarving@gmail.com
Happy to send some more detailed info
Regards Dave
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