In Celtic myth, the hawk was the symbol of freedom and success.
In heraldry, the hawk is the symbol of tenacity in the pursuit of an object of desire or the accomplishment of a mission. The hawk is also an emblem of fidelity, for with few exceptions, the hawk has one mate for life. It is therefore a strong Celtic symbol.
This piece is an amalgamation of pyrography and carving. The piece was carved in the green which accounts for the 'shakes' (splits) in the face and beard, which demonstrates that wood even when cut is a living thing.
The wood was harvested from Pembrokeshire sympathising with the idea that Arthur's Camelot was in Wales. Merlin was considered to be one of the first recorded Woodwose.
I hope you like it!
Regards Dave.
I do like it indeed, Dave. Makes me think of beautiful ferny forests with a brook running through. Love the symbolism and the wrapped wire is very effective.
Thanks Robyn. I was very i8nspired by the Julia Surba approach to pyrography. Regards Dave
Yep - like him a lot Dave. The wrapped wire is very neat. What kind of metal is it? Like the splits actually. Adds character.
Nice job!
Hi Chuck, the splits worried me for a while but they do add to the carving. the wire is silver plated jewelry wire.... ! It shoukld stay nice and shiny.
Regards Dave
Awesome job . Very nice wood carving.
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